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Home / Happy Tails / A Lucky Pup

A Lucky Pup

This little girl was in the wrong place at the right time, and it saved her life.

While hiking in a national forest in the NE Ga mountains, an animal lover came across this sweet puppy stuck in a deep ditch, nearly a mile into the woods. She was a skinny mess, approx. 8 weeks old, dehydrated and covered in ticks. Fortunately, her angel rescuer took her home and she was finally safe. The mystery remains as to how she ended up that far into the woods all alone.

At an initial vet visit, over 50+ ticks were removed from her, some embedded deep in her ears. Chandie’s rescuer (an airline pilot) quickly realized his schedule couldn’t accommodate a young puppy and he reached out to WAG for help in finding her a new home.

Chandie is living in a WAG foster home now and will soon be getting all the necessary vet care she needs – vaccines, deworming and spay surgery. This lucky girl will no doubt be in her forever home very soon!