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    We're Making a Difference!

    Over 1,000 animals rescued since our 2007 beginning

    Our pet food pantry has fed hundreds of local needy pets.

    Low-income spay/neuter subsidies to hundreds of Walton County families.

Home / 2019

Archives for 2019

The Meow Express

Success in rescue is achieved by many people working together to save the lives of animals. Atlanta Humane Society (AHS) has been a valuable WAG partner for several years, assisting as needed with our Puppy Prevention program. Recently our partnership expanded to include shelter cats. Through our joint arrangement, WAG volunteers rescue and foster shelter…

A Lucky Pup

This little girl was in the wrong place at the right time, and it saved her life. While hiking in a national forest in the NE Ga mountains, an animal lover came across this sweet puppy stuck in a deep ditch, nearly a mile into the woods. She was a skinny mess, approx. 8 weeks…

Pet Adoptions

A big WAG thank you to the great folks at Bethlehem Petsmart for hosting our monthly adoption events on the first Saturday of each month WAG adoptable pets and volunteers will be at the store (weather permitting) each month looking for great homes for some awesome animals. Come out and visit! To confirm we’ll be…