Did you know?
Donations made to national humane organizations like HSUS, ASPCA and others aren’t shared on a local level with organizations like ours. Although these national groups do important work, please keep local organizations in mind when planning your annual donations!
Give today!
Help change the lives of our local animals. Make a secure one-time donation via PayPal. No PayPal account is required for credit card donations. Or become a recurring Angel Donor with regular donations set up through Paypal.
WAG is a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal rescue. All donations are tax deductible as allowed.
Donating by check? Print and mail a contribution form.
Other ways you can help!
Volunteer – Event volunteering to helping on committees and everything in between!
Hold a Pet Food Drive
Shop to benefit WAG on iGive
Sell your unwanted items or crafts to benefit WAG on ebay
Buy WAG fashions at CafePress