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Home / WAG News / Gone Too Soon – Lucinda Wiseman

Gone Too Soon – Lucinda Wiseman

<div class=”MsoNormal”>Is there any doubt that people who love animals are the most compassionate folks around? And the best continue giving even after they’re gone.<br /><br />We recently learned of the passing of Lucinda Wiseman, a kind, wonderful person who was an early supporter of WAG. She volunteered for awhile until life took her in other directions, but she remained a friend.<br /><br />Lucinda passed away too soon from cancer, but to honor her love of pets the family requested donations to her favorite causes. As a result, Walton Animal Guild was the recipient of 14 Kuranda beds for our dogs – all donated by people who loved Lucinda!<br /><br />We’re grateful for their kindness. Lucinda’s love of animals will continue to keep our rescue dogs warm and cozy. Our condolences to her family and friends for her loss.</div><div class=”MsoNormal”><br /></div><div class=”MsoNormal”><br /></div><div class=”separator” style=”clear: both; text-align: center;”><a href=”http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-QSAHXcrDxrM/UoUAMLKVXII/AAAAAAAABZ8/egHmnER9Y_k/s1600/lucinda+wiseman+with+laurent,+lilly,+heart.JPG” imageanchor=”1″ style=”margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;”><img border=”0″ height=”240″ src=”http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-QSAHXcrDxrM/UoUAMLKVXII/AAAAAAAABZ8/egHmnER9Y_k/s320/lucinda+wiseman+with+laurent,+lilly,+heart.JPG” width=”320″ /></a></div><div class=”MsoNormal”><br /><br />Here is the memorial published for this special lady:<br /><br /><i>For those who knew her:<br /><br />I hope you are one of the lucky people who got to know Lucinda April Wiseman.<br /><br />Her strength, her will, her faith, her love of animals and all nature, her love of country, her comic relief, her beauty or just her smile. Knowing one of her many facets is a blessing, but knowing all of them could make your heart explode.<br /><br />For those who knew her, will it be a cross-eyed cat, a photograph of a beautiful mushroom, or a lonely dog that reminds you of her?<br /><br />Will it be a comedian, a vintage vehicle or the wonderful smells of a barn hall that will force you to think of her?<br /><br />Would it be the hum of a tractor, the harmony in a song or the thunder of horse hooves that catches your ear and she comes to mind?<br /><br />Or did someone just smile at you when you walked in the door and offer conversation that would never include the weather? A person who offered true interest in you, your life, and your loves. Would you remember Lucinda?<br /><br />If at Christmas time you hear the tiny voice of Linus reciting: “And the angel said unto them, fear not, for behold I bring you tidings of great joy”, will you turn and look for her?<br /><br />Lucinda has battled cancer hard for one year. There was such a tremendous amount of support for her thru kindness, encouragement and prayer from all over the world, from here to <st1:country-region>Sweden</st1:country-region>, <st1:state>New York</st1:state> to <st1:country-region>Italy</st1:country-region>. A suddenly detected spread of cancer prevented many of her last goodbyes. But she knew everyone would understand. She said, “They know.”<br /><br />Lucinda chose to be sprinkled quietly at her favorite place. Where a flag flies at half staff and the signature sign that hangs there reads: “Heaven is a little closer at the barn”. Everyone who knew her had attended service with her for this past year. She was able to witness her service during her life. Thank you to all of you. So many of you did or said just the right things…and continue to do so.<br /><br />Lucinda was survived by her mother Peggy, her sister Janelle, and brother-in-law Nathan, <st1:place><st1:placename>Great</st1:placename> <st1:placename>Dane</st1:placename> <st1:placetype>River</st1:placetype></st1:place>, Lilly, Echo, Wyatt, Brace, Boone, Laurent, Callie, Pikeur, Romanee, Cowboy, Zack, and Frosty Steven. Preceded in death by Heart, Aubrey, Melodie, Lyrical Bend and precious more.<br /><br />In honor of Lucinda the family will be concentrating efforts on Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research as it is desperately needed. Lucinda also wanted to take care of Gods creatures. If you wish to make a donation in honor of Lucinda please call: 1-800-752-5308 and donate a Kuranda bed to the Walton Animal Guild, Inc.<br /><br />And to Lucinda…you loved the fleur-de-lis. Our hearts are exploding because you are our flower of life gone too soon.</i><o:p></o:p></div>