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    Over 1,000 animals rescued since our 2007 beginning

    Our pet food pantry has fed hundreds of local needy pets.

    Low-income spay/neuter subsidies to hundreds of Walton County families.

Home / 2015 / September

Archives for September 2015

What About Bob?

He may have been passed over by other rescues in the shelter, but Bob is special to us – and not only for his absolutely adorable underbite. He’s the 200th dog to come through WAG’s rescue/adoption program in 2015! Bob is very representative of what we believe is important in rescue. He’s not adorably furry,…

Looking for Pet-Loving Advertisers!

BUSINESS OWNERS  – WANT TO BE EASILY SPOTTED BY POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS? PUT YOUR COMPANY IN FRONT OF THE PET-LOVING PUBLIC WITH WAG’S 2016 PET CALENDAR!   There are still some advertising opportunities left in WAG’s 2016 Pet Calendar, but they’re going fast. Calendars will be on sale throughout the fall and winter – proud pet…

A Promise to Parker

When the family was evicted from the house, they packed up what was important. Clothes, furniture, books, dishes and whatever else they could cram in the car were taken away to their new home. But not Parker. This sweet boy and his sibling were left behind with the trash, expected to fend for themselves. No food,…

A Fresh Face

WAG has a fresh new look! We’re excited to unveil our newly redesigned website. Not only is it bright and eye-catching, it’s user friendly and consolidates all our previously-scattered information outlets ; blogs, website, social media, and puts them together in an easy-to-navigate uncluttered design. You can check out our latest information, read stories of…