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Home / 2016 / December

Archives for December 2016

The 12 Spays of Christmas

To encourage shelter adoptions during the month of December, WAG offered vouchers for a free spay/neuter at Paradox Clinic to adopters of 12 shelter animals. We’re glad to report that 12 lucky pets went to new homes using those vouchers, helping the Walton Co. shelter to have one of their best December adoption months! Great…

Cisco Rebounds

This sweet Dachshund mix needed emergency surgery in December. We rescued Cisco from the shelter a few weeks ago after being dumped by his owner and found him to be a kind but quiet boy. But he apparently had an underlying problem – bladder stones and a life-threatening major infection. When the stones caused a…

The 12 Spays of Christmas

Walton Animal Guild is sponsoring up to 12 spay/neuter surgeries at Paradox Spay/Neuter Clinic for shelter animals adopted between now and December 31. There are some wonderful dogs and cats waiting for homes – check out the shelter website at www.waltonpets.net. Consider bringing home a new furry family member for the holidays and create your…