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    We're Making a Difference!

    Over 1,000 animals rescued since our 2007 beginning

    Our pet food pantry has fed hundreds of local needy pets.

    Low-income spay/neuter subsidies to hundreds of Walton County families.

Home / Archive by Category "WAG News" (Page 15)


He made it!

Knight climbed out of the transport van on Saturday night and already has a home! His foster family will now be his permanent family. Here’s the note they sent us: “We just love him, he’s so sweet! He’s made himself at home and we already have an appointment with the groomer for Monday. Thanks for helping us find him.”<br /><br />Good luck, Knight!

Rescuing Knight

This is Knight – rescued from the Walton Co. shelter on March 22. His case is a great demonstration of the successful “it takes a village” approach to dog rescue.<br /><br /><br /><img style=”TEXT-ALIGN: center; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 320px; DISPLAY: block; HEIGHT: 266px; CURSOR: hand” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5455739868821115890″ border=”0″ alt=”” src=”http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_GGzq-xpWRuI/S7augUQE0_I/AAAAAAAAAT4/Lx5ZHyDiz-8/s320/2010%25200676%2520Knight.jpg” /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Knight, a 6 mos. old sheepdog mix, was brought into the shelter as a stray. His photo was posted on <a href=”http://www.waltonpets.net/”>http://www.waltonpets.net/</a> website used by Walton Animal Control. Although potential adopters and local rescues check the site frequently, nothing happened for Knight. Local rescues were full.<br /><br />It would be nice if all shelter animals had plenty of time to find new homes, but the shelter has a limited…

More community support!

It’s great when the community pitches in to help with our cause. The Walton County Foundation approved WAG’s grant request and will be funding a whopping $4,000 in spay/neuter costs this year. Spay/neuter is vital to ending pet overpopulation. Plus, strays can carry diseases and keep shelter staff busy impounding or euthanizing them, if necessary. Prevention is a smart move.<br /><br />Many thanks to the foundation for their confidence in us and their commitment to the Walton County community!<br /><br />’til later,<br /><br />Buddy


<div>Guthrie was impounded as a cruelty case. He’d been hit by a car but his owners never took him for medical care. Skinny and in constant pain, his chance of rescue seemed slim. But shelter staff decided to give it a try and posted his photo on their website.</div><br /><div></div><br /><div>WAG posted Guthrie’s story on several rescue message boards and it caught the attention of Whispering Woods Rescue in NY. A flurry of phone calls and emails ensued. Guthrie’s happy ending came when WAG pulled him from the shelter and took him to Countryside Hospital for Animals for evaluation and pain medications. The next day a volunteer with Atlanta’s Angels Among Us Rescue picked up Guthrie from Countryside to foster him. Because the vet suggested…

The Nuts and Bolts of Rescue

There’s a lot of work involved in rescue, but a lot of good stuff, too. Seeing a rescue dog blossom in foster care, a happy adoptive family and their new pet, the bouncing enthusiasm of a dog finally freed from a shelter kennel.<br /><br />Rescue is definitely a “takes a village” effort. So many people help in many different ways. We’ll take a look at some stories coming out of the Walton shelter. You’ll see what what we mean.<br /><br />Enjoy the tales.<br /><br />’til later,<br /><br />Buddy

WAG Spring fun

Here are a few dates to note:<br /><br />April 10 is our Spring Fling Adoption Extravaganza at the Loganville Petsmart from 11 a.m – 4 pm. Over 100 dogs and cats will be hoping for new homes. Come and “Let Love Blossom” with a new pet!<br /><br />Saturday, May 8 is our first annual WAG ‘n Walk, a community dog walk/festival in downtown Monroe. Bring your family and pets out to walk a 1.5 mile route through beautiful downtown Monroe. There’s a $10 donation for entry, OR get your friends/family to sponsor you. The more sponsor money you get, the more goodies you’ll receive – WAG t-shirts and lots of other fun stuff.<br /><br />So it’s a busy spring season for us. Hope you can…

The ice is gone- it’s time to “Beat the Heat”

Thanks goodness we’re done with January. The temperature dipped into the teens, and that’s REALLY COLD for Georgia. I know – we look like wimps to those who have dealt with real winter weather, snow, ice and all that stuff. Whatever. I still spent a lot of time under my blanket in the basement. Brrrrr.<br /><br />February is spay/neuter month and WAG wants to spay a lot of cats through “Beat the Heat,” a joint promotion offered by Paradox Clinic, WAG, Pound Puppies rescue and Save Our Strays rescue. Cat owners will pay only $25 to spay a female this month through participating vets. But this is a limited offer and only a select number of surgery slots are available, so don’t wait. Call us…

Happy Holidays

<div>’Tis the season for thanks, so here it is – on behalf on WAG I want to thank all the people who’ve helped us this year! You’re our heroes!</div><div><div><br /></div><div>Here’s some of what we’ve done in 2009:</div><div><br /></div><div><ul><li>Rescued 224 dogs/cats from the shelter</li><li>Paid for spayed/neuter of more than 80 pets of deserving families</li><li>Paid for lifesaving medical treatment like amputations, eye surgeries, heartworm treatments, and other procedures to help rescue pets start their new lives</li><li>Drove to Connecticut with 140 pets for a 3-day adoption event, found homes for 136 of them.</li><li>Started a pet food pantry for pet owners struggling to make ends meet</li><li>Went into schools and talked to students about supporting pets and humane care.</li><li>Held a holiday adoption event that gave more than 45 pets a…

Good dog

<a onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=”http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_GGzq-xpWRuI/SzMpO-QAlrI/AAAAAAAAARg/uEEBEjs3ZOc/s1600-h/Jaxson.jpg”><img style=”display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 320px; height: 290px;” src=”http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_GGzq-xpWRuI/SzMpO-QAlrI/AAAAAAAAARg/uEEBEjs3ZOc/s320/Jaxson.jpg” border=”0″ alt=”” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5418720113861891762″ /></a><br />I haven’t mentioned Jackson lately, but he’s doing great. No more jumping on people and nibbling when he’s not supposed to. He leash walks, sits and lies down when asked. He sits nicely for his supper and has finally found some much-needed doggy etiquette.<div><br /></div><div>But the one thing I can’t make him stop is biting my legs! Drives me nuts!! I can tell I’m getting older – all that playtime is tough. But Jackson loves to run, play and wrestle. Not that I can’t keep up, mind you, but he’d probably have fun in a home with a younger dog. ‘Cuz I’m missing a lot…

Home for the Holidays

Our biggest news? The success of our Home for the Holidays adoption! There were 41 new families created that day – that’s how many dogs/cats were adopted! Plus, in the week before the adoption, 5 more went home with people who couldn’t come to the event and wanted to adopt early. So nearly half the animals that came to the adoption found new homes. Amazing! <div><br /></div><div>Lots of WAG volunteers busted their tails that day but if I started naming them I’d forget someone. They know who they are – we love ya! Thanks to rescue groups like <a href=”http://poundpuppiesandkittens.com”>Pound Puppies and Kittens</a>, Georgia Rescue and Rehab and <a href=”http://www.blissanimalhaven.org”>Bliss Animal Haven</a> who brought lots of furry friends needing homes. More thanks to the community…


OK, so I’ve been doing a poor job of updating my blog. In fact, they’re threatening to let Walter take over th<img src=”http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_GGzq-xpWRuI/SzMjczzFV8I/AAAAAAAAARY/OLgwtFywJ0M/s320/IMG_3860.JPG” style=”float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 320px; height: 214px;” border=”0″ alt=”” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5418713754504615874″ />e blog. This is Walter – a scheming feline who would like nothing better than to make me look bad. So since it’s late at night and I can’t sleep, I’ll post a bit about our latest happenings.<div><br /></div><div>Take that, you conniving cat!<br /><div><br /></div></div>

Loving Homes Wanted

Heads up – our Home for the Holidays adoption is coming! Saturday, December 19, we’ll be at Petsmart in Loganville with over 100 rescued dogs/cats/kittens/puppies that are looking for homes. These guys don’t deserve to spend the holiday in a cold kennel. but rather need a loving family for Christmas. So come out this weekend and find your new friend. All the animals have been spayed or neutered and are current on vaccinations. <div><br /></div><div>Save a life this holiday season. Adopt!!!</div><div><br /></div><div>B. </div>


<a href=”http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_GGzq-xpWRuI/SvVFCkqo7rI/AAAAAAAAARQ/RHZubTEk-DU/s1600-h/Jackson2.jpg”><img style=”TEXT-ALIGN: center; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 320px; DISPLAY: block; HEIGHT: 316px; CURSOR: hand” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5401299238605352626″ border=”0″ alt=”” src=”http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_GGzq-xpWRuI/SvVFCkqo7rI/AAAAAAAAARQ/RHZubTEk-DU/s320/Jackson2.jpg” /></a><br /><div>Meet Jackson. This sweet boy is about 7 months old and has lots of love to give. But Jackson found himself in a situation all-too-familiar in the animal shelter – he was signed over by his owners.</div><br /><div></div><div>Jackson was adopted when he was 12 weeks old by a wonderful family. They loved him but as the months wore on he became “too much” to handle. He jumped on people, dragged humans behind him on a leash, ran around, banged into stuff, knocked the kids over, was mouthy, play-nips and didn’t listen. Plus he began having problems getting along with their other dog. Finally the…

Mercy Me

<a href=”http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_GGzq-xpWRuI/StVs5Y4Io7I/AAAAAAAAAQ4/GcA67YTm5PU/s1600-h/Mercy+bush.jpg”><img style=”MARGIN: 0px 10px 10px 0px; WIDTH: 200px; FLOAT: left; HEIGHT: 134px; CURSOR: hand” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5392335862032278450″ border=”0″ alt=”” src=”http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_GGzq-xpWRuI/StVs5Y4Io7I/AAAAAAAAAQ4/GcA67YTm5PU/s200/Mercy+bush.jpg” /></a><br /><br /><div>Here’s a Mercy update – she’s doing well and seems to be finally relaxing a little. She still gets tired easy, but we’re letting her decide how much exercise she wants. She is such a sweet girl and just wants to be hugged. Here’s a few photos.</div><div></div><br /><a href=”http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_GGzq-xpWRuI/StVtFEimi0I/AAAAAAAAARA/SbLFCSlBTaY/s1600-h/Mercy+toy.jpg”><img style=”MARGIN: 0px 10px 10px 0px; WIDTH: 200px; FLOAT: left; HEIGHT: 134px; CURSOR: hand” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5392336062731684674″ border=”0″ alt=”” src=”http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_GGzq-xpWRuI/StVtFEimi0I/AAAAAAAAARA/SbLFCSlBTaY/s200/Mercy+toy.jpg” /></a><br /><div></div><br /><br /><div>Mercy is also starting to steal toys, so she must be feeling a little better! She’s gained about 2 lbs and enjoying all the extra attention she’s getting. I’m still trying very hard to not…

Meanwhile, back at the hospital..

Our patients are doing fine. Lucky is getting better and starting to eat again, although she’s pretty picky about the menu. She’s still at the vet clinic – maybe a bit longer before she moves on to a foster home.<br /><br />Mercy is improving a little bit every day. Her incision staples came out today and the healing looks great. Her hair has grown out a smidgen, which at least keeps her from having that post-surgery naked chicken look. Camera battery is dead, but when it’s charged we’ll post a new pic of her. She’s seems to be enjoying her foster home and gets along with everybody – me included. Oh, did I mention she’s staying at my house?<br /><br />We really appreciate everyone who’s…


Well, I don’t think the news story mentioned the name Walton Animal Guild, said much about Mercy’s surgery or anything we hoped it would say. And maybe it will come later, but as of now there’s no link on the news stations website, so I’m not sure anyone will be able to find us.<br /><br />Oh well, at least it was an semi-interesting trip downtown.

A new TV star

Thanks to our friends at Channel 46, CBS Atlanta, Mercy’s story will hit the airwaves tonight at 11 pm. We were proud to show off this sweet girl and hope others find her story as moving as we did!<br /><br />B.

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