Meet Charlie! This skinny boy spent several weeks living in a ditch next to Walnut Grove High School, huddled in the weeds during the recent rain and cold temperatures. He was very skittish and wouldn’t let anyone come near him. But fortunately a special animal lover decided to spend time and hot dogs to lure him into their car and save him from a bleak existence of running and hiding.
Now Charlie is living a WAG dog life, hanging out with other foster dogs and learning to enjoy regular meals, dog snacks, afternoon walks and chasing the golf cart. Once we got past his fear, he is a sweet, loving boy. About 9 months old and only 49 lbs right now, he needs to gain some weight to get to his prime.
We’re also working on some manners, teaching Charlie that we can love him with all four feet on the ground, instead of two on our chest. wink emoticonBut he gets happier and more relaxed every day and seems to be enjoying his stay.
He’ll be neutered and HW tested this week – fingers crossed that his test is negative. Regardless we’re in it for the long haul with Charlie until he finds his perfect family. Thanks to everyone who has stepped up so far to help this very deserving boy start a new life!